From delayed reactive medical services to evidence-based Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine.
EPMA Young Professionals Section
The objectives of the "European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine - Young Professionals Section" are:
- Introduce young researchers and clinicial to the field of Predictive and Personalised Medicine;
- To educate students about the main principals of PPPM (in order to help medical schools);
- As the official branch of young researchers and clinician in EPMA, to play an advisory role for PPPM-related international and national projects;
- To promote initiation of the primary research projects, within the frame of EPMA’s PPPM strategy;
- To create an international network of young scientists, medical undergraduate and postgraduate students and representatives of other health/life science specialties. This network would help facilitate the global remodelling of medicine for future generations, with reference to the PPPM framework ;
- To devise a basis for effectively introducing new PPPM members into the field of PPPM at the international level;
- To promote collaborations between young scientists and other (medical and healthrelated)
representatives globally as a crucial step for successful partnerships between Universities, research laboratories and Pharma and Techological companies; - To publicise the concept of PPPM by utilising different internet resources and other
types of mass media; - To enable young researchers to partake t in the discussion of problems associated with
implementing aspects of PPPM (both fundamental and clinical application) - The final goal of EPMA-YPS is to recruit and educate of future young professionals
interested in disseminating the concept of PPPM.
In fulfilling these objectives, the EPMA-YPS shall be guided by the established sociocultural
and ethical principles of the international medical profession.
Download the EPMA Young Professionals Section Statutes.