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EPMA World Congress 2024, Perth, Australia and Shantou, China

EPMA World Congress 2024, Perth, Australia and Shantou, China

Congress homepage

The event is planned for September 1st-6th in a hybrid (online and in-person) mode.

The congress will support multi-professional international cooperation following concepts of 3P medicine, namely predictive diagnostics, targeted prevention and personalised treatments in primary, secondary and tertiary care.

Preliminary programme:

1.      Protection of populations against health-to-disease transition

2.      Application of PPPM concepts to non-communicable diseases

3.      Application of PPPM concepts to communicable diseases

4.      Health risk assessment

5.      Patient needs in primary, secondary and tertiary care

6.      Rejuvenation of TCM by innovative 3PM concepts benefiting populations

7.      Healthcare economy and policy

8.      Innovative technologies and start-ups in PPPM

9.      Application of artificial intelligence in PPPM

10.    Education in PPPM

11.    Travel Medicine and Healthcare

12.    Workshop of young professionals in PPPM


Information for Congress organisers and participants

1. The European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised (3P) Medicine is the world leader in 3PM innovation.

2. EPMA regularly organises international congresses on 3PM, e.g. in the former German Bundestag in 2011 and in the European Parliament (2013, Brussels).

3. EPMA brings together scientists, health professionals, industry, patient organisations, etc. in 56 countries on all continents of the world who usually participate in EPMA congresses.

4. EPMA World Congress 2024 Registration Form

5. Official organisers: EPMA-Brussels (Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Olga Golubnitschaja, EPMA President), EPMA Institutional Members ( ), Shantou (China, host country, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Xuerui Tan, Shantou University Medical College), Perth (Australia - organiser of the online format, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Wei Wang, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia).

6. The preliminary programme of the thematic sections is available – see above.

7. Regular congress fee: 500,- Euro per participant in person and 200,- Euro per participant in online format.

8. Reduction of the congress fee for all EPMA members registered in 2024: 200,- Euros per participant in person and 100,- Euros per participant online. 

9. Annual fee for the EPMA Institutional Members: 1.950,- Euro: annual fee for individual EPMA members: 250,- Euro – see the EPMA membership registration form 2024

10. An international EPMA Jury ( ) will select the best papers (oral and poster presentation) to be awarded by the EPMA (invited publication in the EPMA J., SpringerNature, with the actual (2024) Citescore 12.5 which is worldwide within the top 3% in the category “Health policy”)

11. Traditionally EPMA awards the best papers presented at the Workshop of Young Professional in 3PM – see

13. Based on the results of the thematic sessions, individual book volumes will be published (2025-2027) by the awarded international author teams in the book series "Advances in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine", EPMA/Springer (Scopus indexed), Book series editor: Prof. Dr. Olga Golubnitschaja, see